Just to help those,who are planing to visit Lithuania, I will describe the main etiquette, rules, and fun facts about the Lithuanian public transport system, as it is very accurate for use, when you want to go and visit a few places in one day.
Sometimes the public transport "trolleybus" and bus can be confusing even for the locals. Some people think that you can only come in through the first door (next to the driver) and leave from the rest. But no one actually follows this rule anymore, especially in Vilnius. This would be maybe more accurate to Kaunas buses.
Now for some etiquette rules:
1st - decency requires that you give your seat to women with small children, pregnant women, seniors or a person with a disability.
2nd - The person, who was given a seat by other must thank for that, but it should not be the basis for establishing the beneficent conversation, not everyone needs/wants to hear about your day and may have some business of their own to sort over in their heads.
3d - you should respect people sitting around you:
- if you have a crying child, try to calm him down instead of ignoring him/her.
- make sure that your headphones are not on too loud so that even others around you can hear your beats. AND DO NOT PLAY MUSIC ON YOUR PHONE SPEAKER - no one wants to hear what you concider to be good music :)))
- do not eat smelly foods, and avoid drinking when the transport is shaky not to spill anything on anyone. Alcohol is not sloud on public transport but of course, most people going to/ from parties forget it or just don't care and it usually ends in unpleasant vomit and smelly situations.
4th - if you are the one to get in the bus, first, let everyone who needs to get out before coming in.
These are just some of the basics, apart from those which might be obvious.
And now for some fun facts... Very popular and quite true portray of where you belong in the society through the place you chose in the Lithuanian public transport.

1,2,3 - The place where homeless people are sitting.
4,5 and 6,7 - aggressive guys and girls, usually with training clothes and "sėmačkos" (suflower seeds) and horribly exhausted girls coming home from "klubasai" (clubs) with the first morning bus.
8,9 and 10,11 - well, here sits the gray mass. No one will notice you.
12 and 13 - all the "chicas" sit here so if you want to check out some nice girl stand next to these seats, but anyway, if you sit in one of these there is a possibility that the elderly will make you leave.
14, 15, 16,17,18 - individualists, artists and so on, dreamily looking out the window, so if you are not one of them, this place has overtaken.
19,20 and 21,22 - don't even think about them. It does not matter whether you are an accountant or a young lady, this place can be left blank, because it will always be stolen by the elderly from you or you will be facing some angry stares if you don't stand up for them. It is called THE RED ZONE (or otherwise knows as the grumpy old people zone).
23, 24 - will sit on the youth of what the **** orchestral lessons and going home with a backpack, or pink zone (almost old men)
25,26 - Best location if today you feel self-satisfied and confident, you're happy and just feel like "the man".
27,28 - reverse 25/26 place. If you are feeling a little down and just having a horrible hair day, just sit here. You can watch advertisements or you can calmly see the wall and you will not see nobody.
So which one are you??? :)